

除此之外,我们还注意到巴底买的信心和跟随主的心志,乃是逆转上文那位财主的过失,因他不愿意丢弃所有来跟从耶稣,却是忧忧愁愁地走了,未成为耶稣的门徒(21—22 节)。


Open My Eyes Lord So That I Can Follow You

Mark 10:46-52
Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus
There is a blind man left his village and followed the winding path through the forest. He was on his way to see his friend in the neighbouring hamlet. After his arrival, the two friends spent many happy hours together. At last, it was time for the blind man to return to his village.
"I want to go home now," the blind man said, "it is already nightfall. Please give me a lantern to carry it along the way home."
"Lantern? What good is a lantern to a blind man?" his friend asked.
"It is to avoid accidents. It will help other travellers on the narrow path see me coming." The blind man answered.
With this thought in mind, the blind man took the lantern; thanked his friend, and went on his way. While plodding along the meandering path, he enjoyed the cool, fragrant mist which enveloped both him and the sound of chirping crickets. However, imagine his surprise when nearly home, he suddenly collided with a huge man.
"Fool! Why don’t you watch where you’re going?" the big man shouted.
"Why didn’t you see my lantern?" asked the blind man.
"Lantern? Oh, yes, . . . Well, the candle is out!"
So, a lantern is not much help to a blind man after all. This story reminds us that many of us think that we can see and we are carrying a lantern to light up the dark for others to see. But actually, we are blind and we don’t realise that the light of our lanterns has gone off.
Jesus and his disciples came to Jericho. As they were leaving Jericho together with a large crowd, a blind beggar named Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, was sitting by the roadside. When he heard, it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout out, "Son of David, Jesus! Have mercy on me!"
By using 'Son of David entering Jerusalem', he echoed the popular expectation of a Messiah who was to come to revive Israel. This phrase likens to a political taboo under Roman rule. Many people rebuked Bartimaeus and told him to be quiet, yet Bartimaeus shouted all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"
The fact that Bartimaeus is not dissuaded but shouts out all the more confirms the depth of his faith in Jesus!
Jesus stopped, and said to the people, "Call him."
So, the people called the blind man, "Cheer up, and get up! He’s calling you."
Bartimaeus threw his cloak aside, jumped up and came to Jesus. The cloak was used to store the charity money collected from begging. So Bartimaeus, without a care, abandoned his ‘rice bowl’ to respond to Jesus’ calling. He believed that Jesus was the Messiah, who would surely heal him.
Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?”
The blind man said, 'Rabbi, I want to see!"
Jesus said: "Go, your faith has healed you."
Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the way!
Bartimaeus wanted more than money. He wanted to see. More importantly, after he had received his sight, he followed Jesus on the way, the way leading to Jerusalem. Bartimaeus wanted to see because he wanted to follow Jesus. He wanted to be a disciple of Jesus! What kind of way are Jesus and Bartimaeus leading to?
It’s the way of obedience to God’s will, the way of self-denial and long-suffering. How do we know this?
In the preceding texts (8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34), three times, Jesus predicted that He would enter Jerusalem to suffer and die. So, the way to Jerusalem is definitely the suffering road.
From the context of the Scripture, the Bartimaeus' account was the ending of the section of 8:22-10:52. In this section, the two blind men receiving their sight formed the inclusio, i.e the 'frame' for this section of text. Bartimaeus was the last blind man who echoed the first blind man from Bethsaida (8:22-26).
At Bethsaida, Jesus had spit on the blind man’s eyes and put his hands on him. He looked up and said, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.” Once more, Jesus put His hands on the blind man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Why did Jesus need to lay His hands twice on the blind man to heal him?
This is a rhetorical strategy of the narrator; the first blind man in Bethsaida who gradually received his sight, indicated that the disciples shall also gradually come to understand Jesus as the suffering Messiah who would give His life to bring salvation to all. They would also come to understand the cost of discipleship.
Immediately after Jesus had healed the first blind man at Bethsaida, Peter declared that Jesus was the Messiah, so the disciples' 'eyes' were opened! However, when Jesus predicted His death for the first time, Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him. But Jesus in turn rebuked Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You do not have the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” (8:33)
Then the text moved on to the account where Jesus predicted his death a second time, the disciples had on the way argued about who was the greatest (9:34). Later when Jesus predicted His death a third time, James and John came to him. Jesus asked them the same question that He would later asked Bartimaeus: "What do you want me to do for you?" (10:36)
They replied, “Let one of us sit at Your right and the other at Your left in Your glory.”
Even though the disciples had recognized Jesus as the Messiah, they did not see clearly. They did not know what true discipleship was. Instead, they pursued their own power, prestige, status, glory and comfort. For this, Jesus rebuked them.
Ironically, the disciples who had wanted to share 'the glory of Jesus', later found out that this “glory” was the humiliating cross, and on both sides of the cross, two criminals stood crucified.
However, for the second blind man, Bartimaeus from Jericho; he was completely healed at once and he received his sight. This healing act indicated that the disciples' spiritual eyes would finally see clearly and have faith in Jesus after His resurrection, just as Jesus had commended Bartimaeus, ‘Your faith healed you!’
In addition, we also noted that Bartimaeus' faithful act of following Jesus reversed the act of the rich man whose face fell and went away sad when he was challenged to follow Jesus, because he had great wealth. (10:22)
The rich man and the disciples were blinded by wealth, power, status, prestige and glory. They had not really understood who Jesus was. However, both Bartimaeus’ spiritual and physical eyes were opened and he became a true disciple of Christ.
Bartimaeus reversed the rich man's refusal to follow Jesus. He also reversed the disciples’ misunderstanding of discipleship. As Jesus was entering into His Passion, Bartimaeus was waving to us, the readers of Mark, to give us a model of true discipleship to imitate. The true disciple will walk on the way of Jesus—the way to suffering.
Dear brothers and sisters! You are to trust the Lord firmly. Call out to Him and when He summons you, put everything aside and go to Him. And when He asked you what you want Him to do, go for it. Don’t look back at the small, selfish comforts of victimhood but ask for freedom, for salvation.
Don’t ask "What can the church do for me?" but rather "What can I do for the church?" And when you get it, be prepared to follow Jesus wherever He leads, even to a suffering road.
Today, do we trust in Jesus, and believe that following His steps is always good for us?
Maybe we have been too busy with ourselves and pushed God to the edge of our lives; our love for God fading, our service to Him also dwindling; we grow cold or even doubt God's presence; or we become dependent on our own wisdom and wealth or the powerful people around us, rather than clinging to God alone. Maybe we are already blind and we also don’t realize our lanterns are no more shining.
Today, our Lord Jesus is asking you the same question: "What do you want me to do for you?”
We pray to God for health and wealth, for success in our careers and studies. There is nothing wrong in asking for such blessings, but the crux is, “Why are we pursuing these?" If it is just for personal gain and comfort, we would be like the disciples, though our eyes are opened, yet they are still blurred in vision!
The Lord is good to us. He has indeed led us all the way, given us enough grace to move up the ladder among the successful, in order that we can be better equipped to follow Christ, to imitate Christ, to be disciples of Christ.
Let’s now act like Bartimaeus: spring up from our seats at the sideline, throw aside our cloak, and follow Jesus all the way, even if the way leads to suffering and servanthood. Along the way, we will encounter difficulties, setbacks, losses, slanders or persecutions, but do not retreat. We shall overcome as Christ has overcome on our behalf on the cross.
Let’s offer this prayer to the Lord:
O Lord Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me, I want to see!  I want to see how to be better equipped to be a disciple after your own heart. I want to see the problems that this world, my country and my society are facing. I want to see how I can contribute to overcome these problems and overcome the evils prevailing. I want to see how I can deliver the words of the Scripture as a relevant message to this world. I want to see how I can be the salt of the world and to shine for Jesus. I want to see in what way I can help my fellow brothers and sisters, also help the local church to grow from strength to strength…...



马可记述耶稣忙碌的生活,不仅是要告诉我们,耶稣和我们一样忙碌;也不仅是要告诉我们,一位认真事奉神的人是这样忙碌的。马可更加是提醒我们,要像耶稣那样的忙而不盲!耶稣如何做到忙而不盲呢? 我们从两方面来思考耶稣如何『忙而不盲』:
其实每位老板和国家政府都很高兴看到人们很忙碌,只懂得work hard and play hard因为这样生活的人就会忙与盲,把神的使命、美善、理想和社会公义都置诸脑后,不会对现状提出诸多批判和谋求改变。

The Easter Fishers of Men

John 21:1-14
Jesus Appeared to Seven Disciples
During the forty days between His resurrection and ascension, our risen Lord appeared and disappeared at will, visiting with the disciples and preparing them for the coming of the Spirit and their future ministries (Acts 1:1-9).
They never knew when He would appear, as they had to stay alert. It was an important time for the disciples because they were about to take His place in the world and begin to carry the message to others.
One of His appearances was recorded in John 21:1-14. Peter took the lead to go for fishing, and the other six disciples followed after him. They were laboring throughout the whole night, but they caught nothing. By this time, the disciples must be feeling very down, tired and hungry.
When it came to the early morning, Jesus was standing on the shore but they couldn’t recognize Him. Jesus called out to them, “Friends, have you caught any fish?” “No,” they answered. Jesus said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.”
So, they did, and they couldn’t haul in the net because they were so many fish in it. Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!”
Peter had stripped off his cloths while working, when he heard this, he immediately put on his tunic and jumped into the water and swam over to meet Jesus.
The others stayed with the boat and pulled the loaded net to the shore. When they got on the shore, they found breakfast waiting for them—fish cooking over a charcoal fire, and some bread.
The Lord who directed the disciples to a big catch also fed their hunger. We also see Peter’s restoration underway. He had earlier joined those who had arrested Jesus with lanterns and torches, sitting in the courtyard by a charcoal fire but he was now invited to join Jesus at a meal prepared on another charcoal fire.
Jesus said, “Bring some of the fish you’ve just caught.” So, Simon Peter went aboard and dragged the net to the shore. They were 153 large fish, and yet the net hadn’t torn.
A great miracle had been worked by the risen Jesus, and the result of that miracle was a large number of fish that should have torn the net. Many were drawn into the net, but the net was not damaged.
“Now come and have some breakfast!” Jesus said. None of the disciples dared to ask him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord. Then Jesus served them the bread and the fish. There was a complete transformation of the disciples from the initial state of not recognizing Jesus.
This incident would have reminded the disciples of the earlier miraculous catch of fish after which Jesus called them to be fishers of men. In Luke 5:1-11, it was written that Jesus went on the fishing boat of Peter in the Sea of Galilee and preached.
After His preaching, He instructed Peter to put out the boat into the deep water and to further cast down his net. Peter did exactly what he was told, and he caught a large number of fish.
That miracle enabled Peter to recognize Jesus as the Lord and he responded to Jesus’ calling. He let go of everything and he started following Jesus.
For the incident in John 21, we are somewhat puzzled: hadn’t Peter, James and John abandoned their fishing boat and left everything behind to follow Jesus? How then would they pick up their fishing net again? Was it because they had given up their determination to follow the Lord? Was it because they forgot that the Lord had called them to not be fishermen but fisher of men and to follow Him?
After Jesus’s resurrection, the angel did tell the disciples in Jerusalem that Jesus would meet them in Galilee (Mt 28:7). So, they somehow followed the angel’s instruction to return to Galilee to meet Jesus there, for the place the seven disciples did their fishing was Galilee.
These seven disciples might have reached Galilee before the rest did. If that was the case, they were yet to receive further instructions from the Lord. They wouldn’t know what they were supposed to do. Hence, they went back to their normal life as fishermen and worked hard to earn for their own living.
Peter might have gone to fish in order to meet the needs of the other disciples, although he was not successful in getting a big catch.
Previously the disciples lived with Jesus and listened to His teaching daily and carried out Jesus ‘instructions. But now, with the risen Lord who might appear and disappear randomly at different places, it was impossible to have a clear direction and assurance to start off ministry.
The disciples’ fishing expedition and the dialogue that ensued also revealed that they did not embark on a Spirit-empowered mission. They were ineffective in their undertakings.
However, the seven disciples had not given up their determination to follow their Lord when they returned to their fishing life. Rather, it was a reflection of their helplessness, lost, ineffectual and confused state of continuing their lives as disciples of Christ.
It was at this depressed state that they encountered the risen Christ who granted them a big catch of fish. Not only did they have a miraculous and fruitful catch but they enjoyed to the fullest the warm breakfast that the Lord Jesus had prepared for them!
They could recall how the Lord Jesus had passed them some bread and fish when he fed five thousand with five loaves and two fishes, and another four thousand with seven loaves and few fishes.
This miraculous catch and breakfast ready, served as a thoughtful instruction of the resurrected Lord to His disciples, to help them ascertain that His call for them to be fisher of men remained intact. So too, the Lord will provide all their needs generously.
The confusion, uncertainties and depression that overshadow the disciples were all removed. Now the disciples came to understand that they wouldn’t remain in Galilee to continue their fishing business, instead, they would embark on the Lord’s mission to be fishers of men.
And by abiding with the Lord, relying and trusting the Lord, they would certainly bear much fruits!
The Lord Jesus later on, officially commissioned them to make disciples of all nations (Mt 28:16-20). The Lord Jesus also told the disciples to return to Jerusalem to wait upon the Holy Spirit.
Not long after that, the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, and the disciples were empowered with the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and they started their new phase of life being the disciples of Jesus.
They would understand the truth, and be ready to preach the gospel and to build churches.
Firstly, due to changes in the external environment, we may come to a stage, where like Peter and his friends, be overshadowed with confusion and bewilderment about future undertakings. In fact, now many of us are anxious about the current situation and over uncertainty of future, given the disruption of routine life due to the pandemic of Covid-19.
And, after a long period of serving the Lord or embarking on certain job, we may not aware that we actually have grown faithless. We succumb to human weaknesses to operate with impulsiveness and self-confidence, not with God’s given direction and approval. We may sincerely believe that we are doing God’s will, but our labors are in vain.
Jesus told the disciples to cast their net on the right side of the boat; they obeyed, and they caught 153 large fish! The difference between success and failure was the width of the ship! We are never far from success when we permit Jesus to give the orders, and we are usually closer to success than we realize.
By ourselves, we are inadequate. But empowered by the Spirit of Christ, we will do great things. This narrative highlight that service in dependence on the risen Savior is always fruitful and will always have His presence and providence.
Secondly, this story was a manifestation of the risen Lord with a purpose: to call the disciples (and us) back to the purpose for which He saved us. He wants His followers to be fishers of men.
This is surely God’s unchanging mission for us all. A fisherman catches living fish, but when he gets them, they die. But we are to catch “dead fish” (dead in their sins), and when we catch them, they are made alive in Christ.
Why did Jesus had so many fishermen in the disciple band? Fishermen know how to work. They have courage and faith to go out “into the deep.” They have much patience and persistence, and they will not quit. They know how to cooperate with one another, and they are skilled in using the equipment and the boat. What great examples for us to follow as we seek to “catch fish “for Christ!
We are indeed “fishers of men,” and there are “fish” all around us. If we obey His directions, and perform faithfully as fishermen, we will have big catches.
So, it is time for Jesus to take over the situation. The risen Lord is here now to clear all the uncertainties of the mission that He has entrusted to us along the journey as we follow Him. And He surely provides us timely and enough resources to fulfill our needs.
Today, let us recall our many experiences with the Lord—his words and wonderful deeds, so that our hearts which were once lost and confused, will now be renewed and instructed.
Christ is risen, and his presence is here. Whether our lives are easy, hard, or somewhere in between, he is with us. Whether our faith feels strong, shaken, or somewhere in between, he never fails or forsakes us. Jesus is not present in the flesh as he was for the disciples. But as he rules from Heaven and empowers by his Spirit, he is no less present with us than he was with them.
Let us seek his face and cry out to him so that he will fill us with the Holy Spirit. Let us abide in the risen Lord, and once again rise up to do his mission given to us. He will provide everything that we need and we will certainly bear much fruits.
O risen Lord, forgive us for our many wrongdoings and relying on our own understanding. Grant us the direction in life; lead us to the right path. We will rise up once again to do the mission that you have given us. We will tell the world that Jesus who was once dead in order to redeem sinners, is now gloriously risen to give life to his people. Give us a big catch now as we cast our nets according to your instruction. Thank you, Lord, for your bountiful providence. Amen!