

在一座城里有两个人,一个是富翁,一个是穷人。富翁有很多牛群,羊群。那穷人除了买来的一只母羊羔之外,就一无所有了。那只母羊羔是穷人唯一的财产。那穷人喂养他唯一的小羊,小羊也在他身边跟他的儿女一起长大,一起吃,一起喝,一同的生活。而且,小羊也睡在那穷人的怀中, 好像他的女儿一样。
我们当了解,我们每个人都是罪人,本来就是灭亡,沉沦之子。神救赎了我们,又多方面赐福给我们,这些好处是我们不应得,不配得到的,因此这是神给我们的恩典。若人不明白自己原本是“不配”,应得“灭亡“,当他经历『没恩典』时, 就会产生妒嫉、苦毒、计算和不忿,以及怀疑神等消极思想。


Living A Life Of Breakthrough

Luke 19:1-10
Jesus and Zacchaeus
Jesus and his disciples were on their way to Jerusalem. When they passed by Jericho, there was a man in Jericho by the name of Zacchaeus. He was a chief tax collector and was very rich. He wanted to see who Jesus was but he could not do so amidst the crowd because he was very short. So he ran ahead of the crowd and climbed on a sycamore tree since Jesus was going to pass by that place.
Zacchaeus was a Jew but he was also a chief tax collector. The Roman rulers hired these Jewish men to collect tax from their own people. They extorted money from the people to fill their own pockets. When the Jewish public saw the luxurious lifestyle of these corrupt tax collectors, they could not hide their disdain for them. They hoped that when the kingdom of God finally arrived, these great sinners would be judged by God and perish.
When Jesus arrived there, He looked up and saw Zacchaeus atop that sycamore tree. Jesus knew very well the dark side of sinners. He saw through Zacchaeus’ greed, corruption, lack on inner peace, and loneliness. Jesus is able to bring healing to the souls of those who are besotted by sin so that they may be free from the bondage of sin and live a new life.
Jesus said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today.”
Zacchaeus came down at once and received Jesus with great joy. However, those who saw what happened grumbled and murmured among themselves, “He has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner.”
Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor. And if I have cheated anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold.”
Zacchaeus truly repented. In Jewish thought, repentance means a change of heart and, through action, makes restitution for past sins. Not only did Zacchaeus make restitution for the sins of the past, he was also very generous and charitable. His generosity resulted in him losing everything but he could not care less because he gained the precious salvation that Jesus was giving to him.
Today, for those who have received Jesus’ salvation, what are your responses?
Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, since he also is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the perished.”  (Vv. 9-10).
Jesus came to bring salvation to sinners so that they may have life. For where Jesus is, there is salvation! As long as a person is willing to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and repent from their sinful ways, he or she can be re-admitted into the mainstream of society and live a full and overcoming life.
Zacchaeus had some serious problems. He was a chief tax collector – a villain in the eyes of the Jewish people. He was a social outcast. He was also very rich. Typically, a rich man finds it hard to follow Jesus because they are wealthy. Due to his small stature, Zacchaeus bore physical and psychological insecurities. He was unable to draw close the Jesus. No one cared for him. The synagogue would not welcome him. Everyone complained when Jesus received him.
Today, do we also feel lowly and inadequate? Let’s examine how Zacchaeus overcame his inadequacies and obstacles so that we too may have a breakthrough and live out a victorious life.
Zacchaeus Never Give Up
First of all, Zacchaeus did not shrink in the face of difficulty.
The crowd did not welcome Zacchaeus. Instead, they obstructed and excluded him. Yet, he still thought of a way to see Jesus. Although the crowd came out to see Jesus, they were not actually seeking Him. Some were there for the festive atmosphere. Others were there to ridicule Jesus. Still others came, perhaps, to take advantage of him. But Zacchaeus did not allow these irrelevant people to affect his relationship with God. He was truly hungry to see Jesus. He did not allow others to obstruct him from meeting Jesus. He also did not allow his own inadequacies and lowly stature to stop him from knowing Jesus and receiving grace from Him.
Today, many Christians become shaky in faith when they face cynicism, obstruction, and negative comments from others. They are easily fed up by circumstances and very quick to accuse other people for being hypocritical Christians. As a result, they are not willing to attend church services or serve in ministry or committed to their own calling in the past. We should not allow the attitude or the opinions of others to affect our personal relationship with God. It is simply not worth doing so.
Those who always feel that they have been rejected by others also have the tendency to fall into negativity and self-pity. They may say, “So-and-so does not show love to me, does not accept me, so why should I be here? Good bye.”
God wants us to be full of zeal but He also requires us to be mature in faith and grow daily in our spiritual lives. Mature Christians are those who are rooted in the Bible and understand God’s purposes. Such people do not waver from their God-given missions. They will not be affected by negative responses from others.
Instead, they will find encouragement and positivity from the good testimony by others. Furthermore, they will not engross in their own lowliness and inadequacies, which might prevent them from trying new things and accomplishing goals.
Today, are you matured in faith? Is your life rooted in the word of God? Turn back to Jesus and serve Him! Pursue the full knowledge of Christ and draw nearer to Him. By the grace of the Lord Jesus, we can accomplish great things that are beyond our own imagination and talent.
Zacchaeus was Proactive and Creative
Secondly, Zacchaeus was proactive and creative. Although his goal was impeded by a hostile crowd and obstructed by tall trees, he resolved not to remain “small in stature.” He let go of his pride and, without caring for what others think, he happily ran ahead of the crowd like how children back then would and even took the risk of climbing up a tree so that he may see Jesus.
He was also very creative. Instead of having his view blocked by the tree, he turned it into resources with which he was able to draw near to Jesus. Ultimately, he obtained salvation and his life was transformed and lifted up!
What obstacles do you face today? Are you facing criticism by others? You feel that you do not have any friends? Are you experiencing financial difficulties? Do you feel you are lacking in talent? Are you too young? Are you too old? Seem hard to find any free time to serve God? Too introverted to be willing to contact other people? Is your faith or love fading away?
Let’s encourage and remind each other to always maintain a positive attitude. Be determined to seek for change, be willing to go the extra mile, be humble, and work hard in matters big or small, the Holy Spirit will grant you the wisdom to be creative in order to overcome your obstacles. Then you will be able to live a life of breakthrough, an extraordinary life of an over-comer.
Jesus Knows You and Accepts You
The Scriptural does not say that Zacchaeus saw Jesus. Instead, Scripture emphasizes that Jesus was the one who looked up, seeing Zacchaues, and said, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today” (v. 5).
Jesus already knew his name – Zacchaeus. This indicates that Zacchaeus cannot rely on himself to see Jesus. It was Jesus who saw him and sought him out. Although he wanted to increase his stature by climbing a tree, he quickly came down again; to humble himself. By obeying the commandment of Jesus to come down, Zacchaeus obtained salvation.
Scripture emphasizes that Jesus came to lower those who are exalted and exalt those who lowered themselves.
In some sense, we are all “Zacchaeuses.” We are all bound by sinfulness. We are limited by our own inadequacies. We cannot rely upon ourselves for salvation. We are unable to have breakthroughs in every aspect of our lives. Yet, while we were yet sinners, God knew us and sought after us so that we may become His children and be accepted into God’s community to shine for Jesus. This is amazing grace!
Since God has received us as His children, we are all in one family. We ought to also accept one another, love one another, and render help to each other. We must not reject one another. Other than this, we must not be too quick to give up serving God and thereby abandon the status and blessing of being children of God. Do not be too quick to give up the goal that you have been fighting for all this while.
Jesus knows our situation and needs. He knows us more intimately than anyone else in the world. This includes our spiritual and physical needs. We ought to be like Zacchaeus who, having been shown so much love by Jesus, responded positively to God.
Let’s now declare together, “It is so good to know Jesus. We accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. We want to follow Jesus and serve him. We want to offer up our money, our time, and our energy to build God’s work in his Kingdom and to help the brothers and sisters who are in need. We want to forgive one another. We want to correct our past mistakes. With the help of Jesus, we want to be pro-active and creative to overcome difficulties and obstacles in life!”
It is our attitude and our relationship with God that determines the kind of lives we get to live and the kind of blessing and harmony we can bring to our community.
Let’s commit all our obstacles, worries, inadequacies, and weaknesses to Jesus. We need to repent and repair the wrongs we have made in the past. Let’s be resolute in our pursuit of the Lord. Let’s desire after Jesus, serve Him to the best of our ability and obey His commandment to love one another.
This is what it means to offer up ourselves as living sacrifices. Jesus will certainly lift us up so that we could live a life of breakthrough, transforming from “small in stature” to being great, excellent and victorious!

For I am Building A People of Power

John 4:1-26
Jesus and
the Samaritan Woman
Jesus left Judea to continue his journey going north to Galilee. And He had to go through Samaria. There were harsh racial and cultural conflicts between Jews and Samaritans. Jews normally avoided Samaria by first going east to Jericho then north, following the Jordan Valley.
But Jesus had to go through Samaria because ‘the hour’ had now come. By divine appointment, Jesus had to move into the world beyond Israel and meet up with a Samaritan woman there. This woman lived in isolation, separated from her community. Jesus was compassionate toward outcasts.
Jesus came to a town in Samaria named Sychar. Jacob’s well was also there. Jesus was tired and He sat down there by the well, about noon-time, in the bright day light.
Due to the heat, it was customary for the women to draw water in the early morning or evening. However, a Samaritan woman came to the well to draw water at noontime. And the disciples were away in town buying food. 
Jesus spoke to the woman, “Please give me a drink.”
The woman was surprised because social taboos would keep a Jewish teacher like Jesus from speaking to her.
She said, ‘What! You are a Jew, asking for a drink from me, a woman, and a Samaritan?’
But Jesus answered her, ‘If only you’d known God’s gift, and who it is that’s asking you for drink, you‘d have asked him, and he would have given you living water.’
The place had no rivers and thus no living water. However, Jesus was speaking symbolically. The woman misunderstood Jesus’ words because she was still in darkness.
She said, “But sir, you haven’t got a bucket! And the well’s deep! So how were you thinking of getting living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank of it himself, with his sons and his animals?”
Jesus then answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again. But anyone who drinks the water I will give them won’t ever be thirsty again. The water I will give them will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
The woman said, “Sir, give me this water! Then I won’t be thirsty any more, and I won’t have to come here to draw from the well.”
Apparently, the words of Jesus were misunderstood by the woman in a physical and selfish manner. If she were given the kind of water that she requested, she would further escape from the crowd, and consequently she would be thirstier and lost!
Of course, Jesus would not grant her such water. To overcome her spiritual barrier, Jesus addressed her sin prophetically. Jesus said to her, “Well then, go and call your husband and come here.” The woman replied, “I have no husband.”
Jesus replied, “You are right when you say you have no husband! The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the one you have got now is not your husband. You were speaking the truth!”
Jesus saw right into the heart of the woman and knew what was going on. This nameless Samaritan woman had lived an irregular married life and was currently in a sinful situation. She was lonely, rejected and was having an identity crisis. She knew her life was in a mess, and she knew that Jesus knew all that.
Jesus knows your needs too. He accepts you for who you are. When you are avoiding the crowd, feeling lonely, Jesus is on your “Samaria” to lead you out of your helpless predicament, but you must first be convicted and repent.
The woman did not immediately leave. She replied, “Well, sir, I can see you are a prophet …. Our ancestors worshipped on this mountain, and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship.”
Jesus replied, “Believe me, woman, the time is coming when you will not worship the Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem. You worship what you don’t know. We worship what we do know; salvation is indeed from the Jews. But the time is coming -- indeed, it is here already! The true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Yes; this is the type of worshippers that God the Father is looking for. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and in truth.”
What is the meaning of “worship the Father in Spirit and in truth?”
Jesus had come; Jerusalem and the temple lost their theological importance! True worship occurs as God’s Spirit reveals God’s truth and reality to the worshiper. Jesus Christ is the Truth (14:6). Only those who have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and who obey the truth, and thus in Jesus Christ, could worship God in an acceptable manner.
The woman said, “I know that Messiah is coming, the one they call Christ. When he comes, he will tell us everything.
Then Jesus told her, “I am the Messiah!”
The woman left her water jar beside the well and ran back to the village, telling everyone, “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could he possibly be the Messiah?’
Leave Your Water Jar and Come to Jesus in Faith
Jesus’ affirmation challenged the Samaritan woman to respond to Him immediately. She placed her faith in Jesus Christ and was converted on the spot. Interestingly, she even left her water jar at the well, and then rushed into the town and shared her faith with the Samaritan people.
From ‘water’ to ‘living water’, then to ‘worship God’; from addressing Jesus ‘Jew’, to ‘sir’, then to ‘prophet’ and finally to ‘Christ’; we can see the Samaritan woman experiencing a progressive understanding of Jesus. She also underwent a ‘leap in faith’!
She had carried the water jar from afar to draw water at the well. But now she left the jar. This indicates that she had put down her burdensome past and pursuit of the things of the flesh. She had found the ‘living water’ which could truly quench her thirst.
Similarly, today, we may be also carrying the heaviness of life: loneliness, rejection, criticism, slander, hard work yet no reward, identity crisis, or loss of direction in life. ‘Water, treasure, fame or any earthly things’ are just unable to quench our real thirst. Instead they may make the condition even worse.
Today let’s leave our ‘water jars’ and turn to Jesus. Only He can give us the ‘living water’ which is the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit will quench the longing in our soul, enabling us to keep a close relationship with God. Such is the relationship, where human sins are forgiven, the weak gets support, the ignorant receives light, the sorrowful becomes comforted, and the lost receives guidance. Such is the kind of abundant life with living water pouring in; a new chapter of life that awaits you.
Let God’s People
Be Connected
The woman left the water jar behind, yet she herself was transformed to be a living vessel carrying people to Jesus! She used to avoid the crowd, and now she became the first evangelist to the Samaritan people.
Many Samaritan villagers responded to the call of the woman and left the town and came out to Jesus. Some of them believed in Jesus because of what the woman said in evidence about Him.
And they also asked Jesus to stay with them. And He stayed there two days. During that short time, Jesus’ words produced fruit in the Samaritans' lives. Many more believed because of what He said and they professed, ‘We know that he really is the one! He is the saviour of the world!’
Jesus is indeed the world’s saviour. Salvation is to reach outside Judaism to be embraced by the world. Now with this incident in Samaria, the process of reaching out has begun.
At first, we see a distorted picture of estrangement, loneliness, criticism, condemnation, identity crisis and rejection. In addition to that, we see that people were bearing the burden of life and alienated from God. But at the end, we see a huge contrast; a beautiful picture where joyful, dynamic, inspiring individuals and group in solidarity were established.
The woman first responded to Jesus' words in faith, and her life was transformed. Then she returned to her people, proclaiming the gospel. As a result, she was connected to her people.
And then the Jews and Samaritans were also connected, overcoming hostility and breaking down the barrier of race, class and historical wound. And finally, all the people were connected to God.
Jesus is here today to challenge us to respond to Him, to be His disciples. Discipleship is not about mystical experience. It is not just about spiritual feeling or knowledge of the mind. It is about God’s people: individual and community, stepping out in faith to connect with others and testify to others concerning the Gospel.
In this way, we will become a powerful community, overcoming human sadness, condemnation, bitterness and alienation; and bear the fruits of the Word.
Let’s all participate in small groups. Through small groups gathering we can connect better with other members of the Body and testify to others concerning the Gospel.
We cannot practise faith privately but we have to join with others in solidarity to witness for Christ, learn and proclaim the Word, and carry out God’s works. If we do that, God will surely bless us to be a community full with love, joy and peace and power!


Becoming God's New Community

Luke 18:15-30; 35-43
Babies, Rich Ruler, Blind Beggar
Most Jews during Jesus' time had longed for God’s kingdom to come. They addressed this glorious time of God’s kingdom as ‘the age’ to come. The word for ‘age αἰώνιος ’ here is often translated as ‘eternal’, and the phrase ‘eternal life  ζωή αἰώνιος ‘ has regularly been used to describe the blissful life of ‘the age’ to come.
In this age to come”, everything will be new, fresh, and free from corruption, decay, evil, bitterness, pain, fear and death. There Heaven and earth will be joined together; God and his children will live together.
In Luke 17:20-21, the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come. Jesus answered them, ‘the kingdom of God is in the midst of you (or in your heart).”
By this, Jesus meant that the kingdom of God, ‘the age to come’ was breaking in; the powers of the new age are already at work. Wherever Jesus is, people are not only welcomed into God's kingdom; they are healed, and given a new life which truly anticipates the total healing and joy that are due to be fulfilled in God’s final new day.
Luke continues in 18:1-14 tell the parables of the Persistent Widow and the prayer of the Pharisee and tax collector. By this, Luke tells us that God’s kingdom embraces those powerless and underserved people. Jesus is the central figure of God’s kingdom, yet we see that he was also marginalised, persecuted, rejected, suffered and died on the cross.
Today we see there are sufferings and injustice in the world. This should not weaken our faith, and lead us to doubt the presence and goodness of God. For wherever there is suffering, Jesus Christ is there to suffer with the people. Jesus identifies with the vulnerable and the lowly. He walks through sufferings with the oppressed and wounded. And together they shall overcome in the end.
Chapter 18, verse 15 onwards, Luke continues to delineate the characteristics of people belonging to God’s kingdom, and also the nature of God’s kingdom itself:
God's People Can Lose Everything but Cannot Lose God, the Heavenly Father
18:15-17 says that people were bringing babies to Jesus for him to place His hands on them. The disciples forbade the people for doing so sternly. But Jesus received them, let the children come to me, God’s kingdom belongs to the ones like these. I am telling you the truth: anyone who does not receive God’s kingdom like a child will never get into it.”
Luke emphasises ‘babies’. The focus is not about humility, but something about the helplessness of children, and their complete trust of those who love and care for them. Jesus sees deep into the heart of what it means to receive God’s kingdom; it is like drinking one’s mothers’ milk, like learning to see, and to smile, by looking at one’s mother’s eyes and face. The fragile and helpless babies grab tightly to their parents even at the cost of putting down their favourite toys.
There is nothing that we can rely on in order to enter the kingdom, neither own effort nor merits, but solely on God, our heavenly Father.
Today are you clinging solely to God now? Can you let go of those things or habits that are displeasing to God for the sake of entering God’s kingdom?
You may have just lost your loved ones or experienced a setback in your career or business. As God’s people, we can lose everything but we cannot lose God! Holding onto God, pray to him, serve him unceasingly, He will help you to sail through the dark valleys and make a successful twist.
If you have already lost something you treasured much, and you further lose the heavenly Father, you will enter into even more disastrous stage.
The following text, verses 18-23 goes on to say:
There is a ruler asked Jesus: ‘Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life (the life of the age to come)?’
Jesus said to him, “Why call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: Don’t commit adultery, don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t’ swear falsely, honour your father and mother.”
He said, “I have kept them all since I was a boy.”
When Jesus heard it, He said to the ruler, “there is just one thing you are short of. Sell everything you own, and distribute it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me.”
When the rich ruler heard it, he turned very sad because he was extremely wealthy.
Jesus looked at the ruler, and He said, How hard it is for those with possessions to enter God’s kingdom! Yes, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter God’s kingdom.” (Vv.24-25)
Jesus is not against rich people, but against people who obtain security from the many possessions they have’. Their sense of security comes from possessions like, ‘wealth, fame, status, serving experience, and knowledge of the law.” The rich ruler belonged to this group who are so confident, so well organized, so determined, even looking into the face of the one he calls ‘good’, but eventually had to turn away feeling sad.
This kind of people refuses to submit to God’s command, because that would demand them to effectively depend on God solely rather than their possessions.
Those who heard this said, “Then who in the world can be saved?” (v.26)
When we realize that we are helpless, weak and fragile like babies, and we humble ourselves to solely relying on God’s grace, grab hold on God, we will enter into God’s kingdom and receive the life of the kingdom.  
Let’s grab hold unto God, find refuge in Him and be obedient to his will. We will once again mount up like an eagle!
God's People Are to Freely and Joyfully Follow Jesus
The following text verses 35-43, says that as Jesus and disciples were approaching Jericho, there was a blind man sitting by the road, he was begging. When he heard that Jesus is coming by, he shouted out, ‘Jesus—son of David, have mercy on me!’
The people told him to be silent, but he yelled out all the more, “son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus stopped and told them to bring the blind man to him. When he came up, Jesus asked him, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’
He said, “Master, I want to see again.” Jesus said, ‘see again, you faith has saved you.” At once he received his sight again, and he followed Jesus, glorifying God. When all the people saw it, they too gave praise to God.
Let’s compare 'babies brought to Jesus "and "blind beggar brought to Jesus”.  They both wish to come to Jesus but are hindered by the people. But Jesus clears the way for them to come to Him and receive salvation. They are helpless, deprived groups but Jesus helps them to enter the kingdom of God.
One thing different in the blind beggar compared to the babies; is that he has faith in Jesus. He trusts Jesus so completely that, when offered the chance to ask for money or food, he asks for his sight back again. And he received his sight, and then he followed Jesus, glorifying God, praising Him.
The blind beggar’s reaction is a sharp contrast to the rich ruler who had to turn away very sad!
We notice there is a 'sandwich' structure where ‘the rich ruler’ was inserted in the between ‘babies’ and ‘blind beggar’. Luke's purpose is to emphasise the characteristics of God‘s people, that is ‘grab hold unto God alone’ and ‘follow Jesus joyfully and praising God’.
I pray that the Holy Spirit will fill all of us, to empower us to follow Jesus joyfully and praising God everyday!
God’s People Make Up a Wonderful New World of Love and Shared Abundance
After hearing Jesus’ illustration of the characteristics of people who enter God’s kingdom, Peter said, ‘Look here, we have left everything and followed you.’ (v.28)
Jesus said, I am telling you the truth, everyone who has left his house or wife or brothers or parents or children, because of God’s kingdom, will receive far more in return in the present – and in the age to come they will receive the life that belongs to that age. (Vv.29-30)
By this, Jesus indicates that, in the present time, this new age of God’s kingdom already breaks into our sad old world. Followers of Christ are to leave behind the old ways to form a new community. This community comprises new homes, new families, new fellowship based on mutual love and shared abundance with one another, and all kinds of new possibilities will be opening up for them.
The church is called in every age to be this sort of community, to be a living example of “the age to come”. In this sort of selfless and trusting, living the common life, the world around is attracted to this community and join in. The community of God’s people can now glimpse at what God’s final new world is like, and learn to live out the characteristics of God's kingdom more and more.
Some people may doubt if this wonderful new world does happen in our midst: “It is just a utopia! The communists have tried but they also failed.” Or “It is not happening here at this church, but happening at the other church.”
The whole Bible actually challenges us not to doubt God’s kingdom, but rather to ask a different question, “When this wonderful new world breaks in, where are you? Do you participate in it? Or do you contribute a part to make it happen?”
Dear brothers and sisters, we are all citizens of God’s kingdom: We may be in a season of experiencing setbacks now; we may have lost some things, but we must not lose God, our Heavenly Father. Hold onto God tightly, glorify Him and joyfully follow Jesus closely.
The Holy Spirit’s empowering presence is with us to heal and to bless. There is excitement, heartfelt praise, and celebration of God’s kingdom here and now. Let’s participate in and share with one another the abundance of God’s blessings here! Let’s make ourselves available now as God’s kingdom breaks in here and now!