
A Living Hope In A Dying World


1 Peter 1:3-9

Faith Proven Is Greater Worth than Gold

Life nowadays is often filled with worrisome issues. The whole world is shrouded in pandemic, economic instability, upheavals of society, etc. Most of us feel deprived of joy and peace and hope in our hearts as we face all these issues.

Do you have hope for the future? God our Father is the God who gives us a living hope.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.” (1 Peter 1:3-4)

Men are anxious and restless because the world has offered us things that could perish, spoil or fade. No good things in the world are permanent in nature. Many have put their hope in properties, shares, gold, etc., and some put their hope on certain people or even certain political systems. Yet they will soon discover that all these are floating and fleeting and changeable, and can even turn out to be deceptive lies!

In fact, all we have received in this world carried with them this very nature, and hence, what we have received and hoped for will be shaken with fluctuations in economy or ups and downs in commodity prices. Because of this, it is hard for us to enjoy real peace, and it is equally hard for us to be worry-free.

Nothing on this earth lasts eternally, and all things are merely temporal and changeable. Therefore, this world could not give us real peace. But there is one and only unchangeable, true and faithful being in this changing world, and He is our God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. We can anchor on Him in our journey of life.

Scripture tells us that God enables us to have a living hope, and it also tells us that because of this living hope, we would live joyously in this anxious and restless world.

In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” (1 Peter 1:6-7)

The Bible tells us clearly that we are bound to have various trials as we live in this world, and we might feel sad temporarily. Trials like losing loved ones, sickness, failure of career and business, persecution and so on could cause us to experience issues of anxiety, confusion and restlessness.

Nevertheless, we can live joyously as we carry with us this living hope that gives us hope even when we encounter sadness and sorrow on earth. This joy is more than the joy in our spirits. It is a joy that enables us to leap and rejoice.

In reality, all these trials are meant to mature or refine us in all aspects, especially in our faith and our knowledge of God. Though the world is full of anxieties, confusion and restlessness, our relationship with our Lord will not be the same again after we have gone through all these trials.

The Lord Jesus Christ has brought us such a hope, and it is the hope that is full of vitality and life energy. We can experience it right now. This is a very real and living hope.

Christ is our hope. When Christ was born, a group of shepherds were tending their sheep at night. These shepherds were of no different from the rest of the world, and they too had anxieties and needs in their lives. However, it was in the darkness of that night that the glorious light of the Lord shone on them, and angels who appeared and announced to them the good tidings of the birth of the Savior.

We are like living in the darkness of the night. However, the glorious light of the Lord Jesus has shone on us, and it drives away the darkness. It turns a new page in our lives, and gives us hope.

This hope is the salvation of Christ, and it enables us to be reconciled with God, and that we are able to glorify God by becoming someone who pleases Him, so that the peace of the Lord shall come upon us.

Though the world is full of anxieties and restlessness, the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world and His light had penetrated the darkness of our nights, and it shone forth in our hearts, removing the darkness in it so that we could have real peace and joy. The Lord Jesus gives us this life and hope, and enough grace to live everyday lives.

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)

We will experience God’s presence in the process of anxiety and restlessness, and our anxiety will be turned into joy, and our restlessness will cease. It enables us to move forward with more hope and faith.

It is said in the scripture, that, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1)

We are confident towards our future, because we trust that the Lord Jesus is with us, and He will give us hope.

Recently I read a news that talked about an American man with his wife and his three children. The driving license of this man had expired but he had no money to renew it. So, he couldn’t go on with his daily life without driving his car.

One day, he was spotted by a policeman when he was driving his car. He explained to the policeman that he was jobless, and he had many unpaid bills, and he could not even afford to pay his driving license.

The policeman gave him a summon and left. He opened it, and instead of finding a summon, he found a one hundred note in it. He was so touched that he cried out loudly. His family members came to know about this, and they wrote a letter to the police station to give his compliment to this policeman.

The policeman said that it was his obligation to do so because the man had a more urgent need than himself. Later, this man found a job and he solved the financial problem in his family.

Someone interviewed him, and he said, “When I was in my most difficult time, someone, who was a policeman, gave me not a summon, but a sum of money. This incident instilled hope and joy in my life once again before God.”

In fact, God favored him, and His love came upon him through a policeman, and that caused his life to be renewed. Our Lord is true and living, and He will lead us forward, and His presence is with us.

Let’s get hold of our Lord Jesus Christ, for He is our real hope. Not only will we receive praise, glory and honor when He is revealed, but He will care for us and lead us through our life journey on this earth.

Our hearts shall rejoice and be glad whenever we think of all these things, for our God is true and living, and He is the God who gives us real hope, so that we have confidence to face today and tomorrow.

Thanks be to our God the Father, for He loves us and gives Jesus to us. Jesus is our real hope, and He enables us to receive peace and joy, and causes us to have an abundant life. Though we have anxieties and sadness for a while, but we have hope in Christ. Hence, we are confident of tomorrow.

What we hope for is not going to perish, spoil or fade, it is an eternal and true inheritance laying in store for us. Let’s receive new grace, strength and joy daily, and experience God as the true, faithful, almighty and unchanging Lord of life.


安息在创造主的同在里 (东岭)


创世记 1:1-2:3










2:1说: “这样,天地万物都造齐了。”








创世记 1:1-2:3




2节,“地是空虚混沌(formless and void),渊面黑暗;神的灵运行在水面上。” 谈的是创造之前的本貌。起初的本貌出现三个问题:

1. 空虚混沌,就是没有形状form和没有物体things。希伯来文的意思是不适合人类居住的废墟waste land

2. 渊面黑暗

3. 混乱的大水chaotic water

随后331节再详细地介绍了神如何按部就班,按次序orderly从宇宙空虚混沌的原况,创造出形状form和物体things。因此,上帝不单是从无造有creatio exnihilo而已,同时也是从混乱造出次序create order out of chaos



神是造物者及始创者,唯有神是自有永有,在一切被造以先已经存在。创世记一章1节, “起初,神创造天地” 强调神对万物的主权。神是宇宙万物的创造者和设计者。他的设计有他的目的,因此万物都应当顺服在祂以下,遵守他的律例典章,并且成就他的旨意。




神圣的命令:“神说:……”(3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, 29节)



神表示满意:“事就这样成了。”(6, 9, 11, 15, 24, 30节)

神为其创造之物命名:“神称_为_”(5, 8, 10节)。(出现在首三日的创造)

神对其创造的评价:神看“是好的”(4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25节)。

结语:“有晚上,有早晨;……”(5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31节)



神解决了黑暗的问题。他将黑暗化为人们睡觉休息的时段。启示录说,将来在新天新地,神的荣光照耀整个新耶路撒冷城,全天候都是白天,没有黑暗(启示录21:22-25; 22:5)。黑暗被彻底消灭了。




天空、海洋、地面都是形式form解决了formless混沌的问题,但是空虚void 的问题还在。 后面的三天创造,神把万物安置在天空、海洋和地上,解决空虚void的问题。而神的创造的高峰是造人,并且派人作为祂的代表看管所有被造之物。





第一,在记载人的创造时,使用的是第一人称代词:“我们要……”(26节)但在创造万物时的描述(3, 6, 14节),使用的是第三人称代词:“神说:要有……”

第二,在创造鸟类、牲畜和动物的描述时,作者使用“各从其类”(21, 24, 25节);而对于人的创造,作者却强调是神“照着我们的形像”造成的(26-27节)。



第五,在创世记第一章,作者强调神的创造“是好的”。这词在此章出现七次,提示神的美善和创造物的美善,更以此对比在第六日创造人的时候,神认为是“很好”。试想想,神的创造的精美、和谐和井井有条,真的是精彩绝伦,very good啊!










































Unshakable Joy in Affliction


Philippians 1:1-26

Living For Christ in Times of Suffering


Life on earth is often filled with pains and sufferings. We hardly laugh when we live in a suffering world. There must be something wrong with somebody who laughs when calamity strikes. As people’s lives are very often plagued with bitterness and sufferings, so they have depressed and troubled looks on their faces. Is this really the truth of human lives? There is a story which goes like this:

An old woman had two sons, one was selling umbrellas and another sandals. When the weather was good, she felt sad because she was worried that the son who sold umbrellas would end up having a poor business. When it rained, she was troubled too because she feared that the son who sold sandals would suffer a poor sale. Therefore, the old woman usually looked troubled and worried.

Let’s think about the reason why the old woman never came to realize that her son who sold umbrellas could have good businesses in those rainy days and was rejoicing. The reason is that many times we are unable to have a positive perspective over life itself.

Somebody has rightfully pointed out that men and women who suffered the most are those who only look at what they don’t have without looking at what they already have, or those who only see what they have lost without seeing what they have gained.

The most joyful ones are exactly the opposites. They lead a positive lifestyle, and often look at life from a good perspective. They do not bother about things that they have lost, but are contented with things that they have already gained. And we know that happy is the man who is contented in all circumstances.


Paul was imprisoned when he wrote the book of Philippians, but he was still able to rejoice. Not only that, Paul also faced opposition from within, where his enemy sought to “stir up trouble for him while he was in chains.” (Phil 1:17) Yet Paul still rejoiced under such a circumstance.

Moreover, Paul remained rejoicing when he faced death. At that time, he was facing a possible death sentence, and he said he was caught in a dilemma, for he did not know how to pray. He could have asked God to bring him out from the prison, or he could have also asked God to let him leave the world so that he could meet Christ face to face.

Paul did not know how to pray, for it was indeed very good for him to leave the world and to be with the Lord. If he managed to come out from the prison alive, he would have to face many difficulties and persecutions.

Paul was then stuck and torn between these pains and dilemmas. How then could he still rejoice? Chapter one of the book of Philippians told us that there were three reasons for this:

1.   He was able to rejoice in the prison because the Gospel was preached and spread. He led many to come to receive the Lord in the prison, and it helped encourage more believers to preach the Good News boldly.

Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ.  And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.” (1: 12-14)

2.   He was still able to rejoice when he faced the attacks from his enemies, for Christ was widely preached. The ulterior motive of some people preaching the gospel was to increase trouble for Paul (1:17). However, what was Paul’s response to them? He said, “…in every way, … Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.” (1:18)

Though his enemies sought to increase his pains and sufferings, Paul was able to rejoice exceedingly because Christ was preached.

3.   He was able to rejoice when he faced death, because he sought to exalt Christ in his body. “I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.” (1:20)

We can sum up in a nutshell. Paul was able to rejoice in the midst of his sufferings mainly because he lived a Christ-centered and Gospel-centered life. As long as the Good News was preached, Paul was able to rejoice in any circumstance.

He said, “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” (Phil 1:3-5)

Many of us can understand the heart of Paul very well. When brothers and sisters in church participate in the ministries of the Gospel, we would be filled with the joy of the Lord. Indeed, I am filled with the joy of the Lord whenever I see our brothers and sisters devoting and involving themselves in the ministry of the Gospel.

When there are evangelistic meetings held in the church, our brothers and sisters would play their parts and be occupied in their various tasks. Some serve as ushers or chaperones, and some invite their friends, and we all pour in our effort and time. We are also filled with joy whenever someone comes to receive Jesus. Many believers work hard during weekdays, and also serve diligently in the church during weekends. They might be busy, but they rejoice for the sake of the Gospel.

The focus of Paul’s life was not on himself, but Christ and the Gospel. We would not have all our wishes fulfilled in accordance with our will as we live on earth. Often, we are very concern with our gain and loss, but Paul did not pay attention on his gain or loss. He rejoiced when he saw that the Gospel was preached, and that he had gained Christ.

We need to change our value and priorities, in order to live such a joyful life. Not only are we shifting our focus on Christ, but we need to have a submissive heart.

Many times, we do know the importance of preaching the Gospel and Christ’s sovereignty over our lives, but we are not submissive to God’s will. Hence, it is hard for us to rejoice. Paul was able to rejoice in his hardships because he submitted to God and accepted all these as God’s arrangement in his life.


I was touched deeply when I read a testimony of a sister during my youth time. She was none other than Christiana Tsai (1890-1984), the Queen of the Dark Chamber.

Madam Tsai suffered from a kind of sickness that she could not see light. Even the blind could go outdoor for activities, but she had to spend her forty years in the darkness and be tortured by her sickness daily.

Though Madam Tsai lived under pain and inconveniences, she was very willing to receive visitors and testify God with her life. She would usually meet her visitors in a very dark room.

There was only one little bulb prepared for her guests in her dark room. She wore a pair of sunglasses when she talked to them. Her visitors were encouraged by her life that was full of joy when they conversed with her.

Madam Tsai liked to say this to her visitors, “God has never done anything wrong.”

It seemed that she had experienced the truth of such a statement for her to say such words after going through 40 years of sufferings from the sickness that caused her to be able to live in the darkness only. “God has never done anything wrong.”

The center of the life of Madam Tsai was the Gospel and Christ. She came to understand that God allowed her to suffer so that the Gospel could be preached through her. Many came to know the Lord through her, and many loved the Lord more because of her. Therefore, her life was filled with joy.

Now we are already trapped under the pandemic for more than two years. We are caught by surprise. We heard that many had contacted the virus, and some even died. Scientists work day and night to speed up the innovation process of the vaccines during this period, However, the vaccines are not able to give us full immunity for the virus of Covid-19 to be eradicated.

How should the church move forward in the coming year? How should all industries move on in the future? Nobody can give us a definite answer.

The Word of God becomes the lamp onto our path under such a circumstance. We receive guidance and encouragement from Paul’s reaction and exhortation. Today let us entrust all our difficulties and worries to the Lord Jesus. We only need to do two things:

First, rejoice in Christ always! We believe that our God is in control of all things, and He could take care of us. Remember this: God never does anything wrong!

Second, we lay down all our personal gains and losses. We should make serving God, glorifying God, witnessing for God and preaching the Gospel our life’s pursuits and value. By doing so, we would be fearless in the face of Covid-19.

God’s way is not human’s way, and man could never out plan God. The end of man is the beginning of God! Those who are willing to follow the Lord closely shall have the peace and joy that comes from above.

In Philippians 4:4-7, Paul exhorted us that, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.