
































让我脱离『埃及的软弱』心态,脱离『米利巴的埋怨』心态,进入『耶和华尼西』的作战状态。让我一路依靠耶和华,出来服事,出来争战,抵抗邪恶,为主赢得城市。我们撇开个人的得失,不埋怨,也不受到别人的埋怨声所影响,却是要注目在耶和华身上,举起上帝的旌旗,进入战场,打败魔鬼的攻击。这是上帝交托给我们的 『圣战』


Are You Serious in Calling Me Good?


Mark 10:17-31

The Rich Young Man

The works of Jesus on earth were basically preaching the good news of the Kingdom, healing the sick, and making disciples. One day, as Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

“Inheriting eternal life” means that one can live in God’s Kingdom and receive His blessed life when His Kingdom comes on earth.

“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.

Jesus said these not to deny His divinity, but He was directing this man to think so that he could make a choice whether he would like to submit and honor Jesus as God. Of course, Jesus is God. He wanted to challenge this man to submit to His commands.

Jesus said again, “You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.”

“Teacher,” he declared, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.”

This man was truly a good man in that he had kept all the second part of the Ten Commandments. The second part of the Ten Commandments regulates the ethical relationship between man and man, and he had done them all.

The foremost important part of the Ten Commandments lies in the first part, which requires men to worship Jehovah, God alone, and they shall not have other gods.  Did this man honor only God? Would he submit to Jesus’ commandment?

Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad because he had great wealth.

Have You Stored Up Treasure in Heaven?

The rich young man desired to receive eternal life, which is to spend a blessed eternity with God, and hence he sought Jesus humbly. Yet he never expected that the entrance fee to the Kingdom of heaven would cost him to “sell everything he had.”

This cost was so high that he was shocked after hearing it. Hence, his face fell, for he knew that he couldn’t pay this high price. So, he walked away sadly.

Something pitiful about this man was the fact that he was a man who feared God, and he had obeyed God’s commandments since young. He sought the truth humbly, and as an official of his people, he knelt before Jesus and asked Him the question. It was truly something admirable and praiseworthy.

Jesus looked at him and loved him. However, was it because of his wealth that he found hard to enter God’s Kingdom? The disciples saw them and heard their conversation, and they were amazed that such a good person could not enter  God’s kingdom. They said to each other, “Who then could be saved?”

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”

Jesus once said, “Everything is possible for one who believes.” (Mark 9:23)

The rich young man was humble, and he feared God. If he could believe in Jesus, honor him as God, he could have been saved and entered the Kingdom of Heaven. He still lacked one thing, and that was in fact his faith.

Men will not be refused by God and miss their salvation simply because they don’t sell their property and give it to the poor.

The Lord Jesus said, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!” Afterwards, he said again, “How hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God!” (v.24)

Therefore, the fact is that the rich find it hard to receive eternal life not because of their great wealth, but because their hearts “trust in their riches”. It is the heart that is “unwilling to let go of the money and trust solely in Jesus.”

If we think carefully the words Jesus said to the rich young man, we will come to understand that the request of God for us is indeed a blessing because he promised us that we will “have the treasure in heaven”.

It means that if the rich young man were willing to give up and not rely on his wealth, and turn and walk with Christ, he would then have received the eternal treasure of heaven that would be imperishable.

The Lord did not indicate to him what this treasure in heaven was. He is also testing us and says, “Will you trust me?” If you can trust me, then you just have to follow me and do what I say!

When he had to choose between his many properties and the Lord Jesus Himself, the rich young man could not bear to let go of the money he loved, and hence, he gave up following the Lord.

In fact, for generations, people who are willing to follow the Lord would have to face a similar choice as the rich young man. Apparently, many here do have money and treasures on earth, but have you ever stored up your riches in heaven?

Let us put Jesus at the first place, and honor, follow and serve Him, and offer our lives and wealth for His disposal. Then we will have treasure in heaven. The words of the Lord Jesus are trustworthy, and we shouldn’t doubt His words. His promises will surely be fulfilled.

Sacrifice and then Receive Hundred Folds Back

The Lord issued a challenge and made a promise to all who follow Him: “Truly I tell you, no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life. (v29-30

Many people can’t let go of their monies and they find it hard to follow the Lord. They also have something else to worry and be sentimentally attached to. For some, it will be their career (houses and land), and for others, it will be their family (brothers and sisters, parents, and children).

The Lord Jesus promises that if we were willing to leave all that we were sentimentally attached to for His sake and for the sake of the Gospel, we would receive rewards in heaven and eternal life in the age to come. Besides, if we were to lay down all things for Him, He shall return to us hundred folds in this life.

Abraham, the Father of Faith, was courageous enough to face this test. God specifically told him to leave his father’s home, and then in a later event, asked him to offer his only and beloved son, Isaac, as a sacrifice to Him. Abraham trusted and obeyed God by carrying out His request, and he pleased God and received His compliment. God said to him, “Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.

Finally, we see that Isaac, his beloved son, not only came back to him unscathed, but God affirmed him once again of His promised blessing to him. God said, “I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. … and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed because you have obeyed me.Genesis 22:17-18

To forsake everything willingly for sake of the Lord and the Gospel, is the path that leads to a blessed eternal life which starts from today until eternity. We have too many witnesses among us who can testify of God’s faithfulness, that He is able to bless us hundred folds on earth!

What are those things that we are sentimentally attached to and can’t let go which are hindering us from following the Lord? Is it our material riches? Or a comfortable life? Or a successful career? Or our loved ones? Will you be able to do it for the Lord, if He were to ask you to leave them behind or to offer them to Him?

Elkanah said to his beloved wife, Hannah, who couldn’t conceive and was anguished all day long, Don’t I mean more to you than ten sons?1 Samuel 1:8The Lord also said to us, “Don’t I mean more to you than all other things?

Yes, Christ is our everything, and He is the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for us, so that we shall lack nothing. He shall make us satisfied in all things, whether it is our physical needs, like our daily food and clothing, or our mental or spiritual needs. For He is the source of all these things, and He shall give grace to His beloved sheep and bless them abundantly.


May we not rely on and be sentimentally attached to whatever we should put down or let go, but instead, may we follow God wholeheartedly. May we be concerned about the heavenly things, and gain Christ as our most precious treasure in life.

May we care most for the house of God so that it shall suffer no lack. By doing so, all kinds of ministry in our church will be able to continue this year like before, and we can minister to the needs of our brothers and sisters, and the needs of mission fields in all places.

Let’s take a step of faith and be a faithful child of God in making a faith pledge to give willingly and generously. God will surely bless us hundred folds whether we are in heaven or on earth. Give thanks to God and praise Him!


Pressing Through Life's Oppositions


Nehemiah 4:1-15

Nehemiah led the people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem

We often encounter difficulties and disruptions from people around us in our works and ministries. Let’s look at the book of Nehemiah, and see how to stay resilient in times of oppositions, challenges and difficulties, in order to fulfil the ministry that God entrusted us.

Chapter 4 of Nehemiah records that in the process of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, Nehemiah and the Jews were attacked and opposed constantly.

Sanballat was the governor of Samaria. Samaria was located north of Judah, while Jerusalem was within the boundary of Judah. Sanballat could be aspiring to become the governor of Judah, but the return of Nehemiah had caused his plan to fail.

More than three hundred years ago before Nehemiah, northern Israel was captured by the Assyrians. Majority of the people were exiled (722 BC).

Sargon, king of the Assyrians, brought his captives from other places and resettled them in the land of Israel. Those foreign captives intermarried with the Israelites who were left behind, and they gave birth to hybrids who were then called the Samaritans.

Like Ezra and Nehemiah, some Jews returned to Jerusalem, but they never interacted with the Samaritans. Jews considered the Samaritans to be a people with impure pedigree. Subsequently, the relationship between these two peoples turned worse.

After more than four hundred years, until the time of Jesus, their enmity towards one another deepened. However, Jesus crossed over the ethnic boundary to rescue the Samaritans. Jesus told about a story of a “good Samaritan”, and challenged the xenophobic mindset of the Jews.

When Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became angry and was greatly incensed. He ridiculed the Jews, and in the presence of his associates and the army of Samaria, he said, “What are those feeble Jews doing? Will they restore their wall? Will they offer sacrifices? Will they finish in a day? Can they bring the stones back to life from those heaps of rubble—burned as they are?” (Nehemiah 4:1-2)

Here is a series of doubting “will”. Sanballat was ridiculing the Jews for being delusional, that they were daydreaming.

In addition to this, Tobiah, the Ammonites, intensified the opposition and said, “What they are building—even a fox climbing up on it would break down their wall of stones!” He deeply despised and looked down on the works of the Jews.

Nevertheless, the Jews were not bothered with the ridicules. They continued to focus on building their walls, and the walls was half built.

The project of wall rebuilding went on smoothly because, the Bible says “all the people put their efforts into it, and neither did they give up, nor did they lose their faith. They persisted and persevered in their works.”

Despite such a progress, their problems escalated. Subsequently, there appeared more and more enemies. From north of Jerusalem came Sanballat; and Tobiah, the Ammonite, came from the east; and the Arabs came from the south, while the Ashdod came from the west.

These peoples saw that the rebuilding project of the Jews went on well, and they rose and intimidated and sought to destroy their project. They conspired to invade Jerusalem, and cause confusion in the city. The Jews were encircled on all sides, and they were indeed trapped in between!

At the same time, there was a spilt among the Jews. Some Jews said, “The strength of the laborers is giving out, and there is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall.” Also, our enemies said, “Before they know it or see us, we will be right there among them and will kill them and put an end to the work.” (v 10-11

Then the Jews who lived near them came and told us ten times over, “Wherever you turn, they will attack us.” (v12)

Sometimes, we will face this type of predicament in our work and ministry. Stress, enemy, opposing forces, they come from all sides, could be human factor or other factors like the outbreak of pandemic. The adversities grow stronger and stronger.

Moreover, they display their anger before us, and threaten us, cheat us and ridicule us! They despise our work and ministry and think that we cannot do anything. They come to disrupt and destroy our works when we have gained some progression.

We are already weak, and we are few in number. And then we hear not from our enemies, but our co-workers who suggest that we should give up the rebuilding work. They mention not only once, but “ten times” they warn us of the coming attacks from all sides. We face stress that comes from all sides on a daily basis.

Have we become fearful when we face such difficult moments? Are we therefore giving up? Having a peace talk? Surrender? Truly there are reasons too real for us to stop the works. Nehemiah didn’t give up when he was facing such a cause!

Prayers coupled with Plan and Execution

Sanballat and Tobiah ridiculed the Jews to weaken their determination in rebuilding the walls. Nehemiah did not succumb himself to their insultation. He sought God together with the Jews, and they pleaded with God to interrupt and judge those enemies who were disrupting their sacred works (v4-5).

The prayer of Nehemiah was not to take revenge, and it did not come out from his selfishness, but it revealed God’s righteousness, and with an intention to accomplish God’s works.

So, the Jews continued to focus on their works. But their difficulties did not stop right then. They faced disruptions more and more from their enemies, one after another. Still, they prayed to God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat (Nehemiah 4:9).

Today, you don’t have to bother if someone does ridicule your faith and your thoughts, and criticize your works without reasons. You also don’t need to feel discouraged by the adverse environmental factors.

You can just tell God how you feel, and remember His promises, then you would have courage and strength to continue to move on.

Nehemiah did not yield to the circumstances even when he had to face a further problem of internal spilt. He made some defensive plans. He ordered the people to take up their swords, spears, and bows, and stationed them behind the lowest points of the wall at the exposed places, posting them by families for defense.

We notice something very important. On one hand, Nehemiah prayed to God, and on the other hand, he “posted a guard day and night to meet this threat.” (v9) He “stationed the people behind the lowest points of the wall at the exposed places, posting them by families, with their swords, spears and bows.”

It doesn’t mean that we don’t need to do anything when we rely on God and pray to Him. It doesn’t mean that when we sit for examination, we don’t have to study after we have prayed to God.

Therefore, we must pray to God and at the same time, study hard by ourselves. We need to do our part and fulfill our role. Nehemiah combined his prayer, work preparation and start acting on them altogether.

Though the Jews and he trusted in God, they took actions to keep watch over the works that was entrusted to them by God.

Let’s examine ourselves. We often pray but we might not be putting effort in trying to understand God’s heart desire. We never learn and study the effective ways of solving our problems. We lack courage and commitment to implement our remedy plan.

The correct attitude would be to pray, to think through, to study and to take action and to try to solve the difficulties.

Instill Vision and Team Building

Nehemiah also encouraged the nobles and the officials, and said, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.” (v14)

Nehemiah emphasized the power of God and that the peoples needed to rely on God for victory. Nehemiah was not a tragic hero who fought alone, but he valued very much a team ministry. In the name of Almighty God, he purposely encouraged those nobles, officials, and the rest of the people to come together to resist their enemies.

Nehemiah also gave them a long term and relevant vision or goal: to build a lasting and stable home for their families and children. Nehemiah reminded all the people to pay attention to God’s call and their work goals, and he reinstated God’s powerful protection.

Today, if you are entangled by all sorts of problems in your works, and you are depressed, frustrated, and troubled, you can remember God’s goals given to you in your lives and works, and that God shall help you move towards your goals. Press on!


In this new year, it is hard to predict future economic and political trends, but the only thing that can be predicted is the continual Covid-19 pandemic.

Let’s pray to God that He would help us overcome difficulties and challenges, for God is the One who puts the burden of the sacred works in our hearts, and He would surely keep it so that we could finish His works.

Let all of us contribute our efforts and be united in doing the works of God. We should work tirelessly, resolving to take action to solve the problems, God will surely help us solve our difficulties, for He is pleased with our serving and our attitude, and He loves and protects us. He is our Rock, Rescue and Security. We shall not be shaken.

In verse 15, it says, “When our enemies heard that we were aware of their plot and that God had frustrated it or “frustrated their intention”, we all returned to the wall, each to our own work.

When we trust in God and pray and be willing to labor with Him, He would surely work and accomplish His own works in frustrating the devil’s attack. Hence, our plans for God and their implementations will not be merely dreams, and it shall be fulfilled, and we shall actualize His goals for us. We will then experience deeply that God is true and alive, and our hearts will enjoy real peace in the process. It is indeed something very wonderful!

Ask God to grant you his faith, courage, commitment, giving spirit and genuine peace, so that we can witness and experience His wonderful acts in the year 2021. Amen!