
God's Surprising Kingdom


Matthew 13:1-23

The Parable of the Sower  

Jesus observed the work of a farmer, so he told this “The Parable of the Sower” to the people. The parable reveals that there were four kinds of responses people had after hearing the sermon of Jesus, just like four types of grounds, i.e., along the path, rocky places, thorns, and good soil.

It seems that the majority of the people were unfruitful because out of the four types of audience, there were three types that were unfruitful, and only one type was bearing fruits. This parable of Kingdom unveils a frustrating fact which we may be uncomfortable with, that is among the people who hear the Word of God, those who really receive life are the minority, for “many are invited but few are chosen.”

Jesus Himself explained such a parable: the Sower is the Lord Himself, who can be likened to God’s servants this day. The seed is the Word of the Kingdom, and it is the Way of Life, not some worldly common truth. The soil or the different grounds are the different heart conditions of men.

The kind of soil which is “along the path” is akin to those who hear the Word and forget it immediately, and there is no root for those that fall on the “rocky soil”. The bird is akin to the devil, and the sun represents trials, and thorns are things that hinder the growth of the people.

Let’s consider these four types of heart-soil:

1.      Those that Fall Along the Path

This type of people can’t understand what they have heard, and they don’t bother about it. The devil comes and steal whatever words that are in their hearts.

There is a difference between hearing the Word and hearing a speech. When one hears the Word, there is an evil one who is peeping around. It is as though a farmer is sowing his seeds on the small paths in his field, and the birds of the air see it and they come and eat up all these seeds. In fact, this parable reminds us that the devil is paying extreme attention each time we draw near to God, and he will snatch away whatever we have received from God.   

Many times, we are very forgetful, especially towards the Word we hear. We forget it as soon as we leave our room. However, we can remember clearly every detail of people’s gossip. No doubt, when people are getting older, their memory will fail gradually. But we need to beware of the devil, who is peeping at us when we are hearing the Word of God, and will eat up the Word once it is sowed.

Therefore, our hearts cannot be like those little paths in a field, which are only to be beaten by the passerby. This kind of heart is not suitable for germination and growth of the seed.

However, the hearts of people sometimes are wider than those little paths, they are like the main roads that allow all vehicles to pass through and they can accommodate so many other things but not the Word. Such people just feel bored with the Word. Neither can they understand, nor can they take in the Word. This is the first type of heart.

O Holy Spirit, come and open our eyes! Help us to understand, appreciate and love the Word of God. For God’s word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path (Psalm 115:105)

2.      Those that Fall on the Rocky Place

In fact, it is very blessed to have opportunity to hear the Word of God. Though the disciples of Jesus were fishermen and unschooled folks, they, later, became great men who would turn the Roman Empire upside down, not because they possessed a high education and status, but because they had received the Word of Life.

We must intently prepare our hearts to hear the Word of Life, and we have to hear it with a respectful mindset, so that this Word will have chances of growing in our hearts and producing fruits later which will change the world and surprise many. 

Verb 5 says that, “Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.

Jesus explained Himself and said, “Some hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.

When seeds are sowed on the rocky ground, they spring up very fast, but there are no roots because there are stones below them. It is like people who will easily get excited when they hear the Word.  They become on fire very fast and their fervency goes down very fast also. Once persecution or difficulties arise, those seed will wither immediately.

They either face opposition from their family members or they might have some problems in their lives after they have come to believe in Jesus, and they fall away immediately because of these. Opposition is supposed to strengthen one’s faith, but if this person’s faith does not take root, his faith will die off even with a bit of persecution.

The Covid pandemic has lasted more than two years. For a long period, we could not hold physical meetings, nor could we lead a community lifestyle like we used to. How are we getting on spiritually these days? Let’s ask for God’s mercy, to help the whole congregation to be connected to God and to each other continuously. Don’t ever allow the pandemic which is a tool of Satan, to cause us to backslide in our faith.

Jesus is here to remind us that we must allow the Word of Life to work in our hearts, until it reaches a stage where the Word can take root in our hearts, then can it be effective in us, and when persecution and difficulty come, our faith will not be shaken or rooted out. 

The purpose for us to listen to the Word of God every Sunday Worship and in other setting, is to have God’s Word taking some effect in our hearts. It will cause new life to grow eventually and it shall replace the old life. God’s Word is powerful, for when He speak out the Word, new creation started!

This spiritual growth and maturity of life is for the life of Christ to grow inside of us, so that our lives will be more and more like Christ.

May we ask God to help us to be alert and of sober mind in trials, and to trust in the Lord firmly by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that the Life of the Word of the Lord shall be planted in us and grow in us. In the end, we will be greatly surprised how we could overcome all kinds of adversities.

3.      Those that Fall among the Thorns

In verse 7, it says, “Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants.

The Bible refers to thorns as worries of this life, temptation of money and all kinds of selfish desires.

Some people are not able to withstand persecutions or they cannot handle too many worldly worries and concerns. As a result, they are choked by all these “thorns”, and hence, they are unable to be joyful and bear fruits in their lives. They keep on talking about and busy with own struggles but hardly think of fulfilling God’s desire and serving others’ needs.

Paul encouraged us and said, “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:1-2)

May I know what are those things that you have been thinking of most of the times? Are they things above or things on earth? Are they only your personal things, or things of God’s kingdom? We only need to seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. God will add unto us the rest of the other things. We can lead our lives easily with joy.

I often see people who are quick to believe in Jesus but refuse to commit their lives to Jesus. Some even refuse to get baptized. They want to follow Christ from afar, because commitment to Christ entails the cost which includes: attending meetings, or giving up something that will cause changes in their family lives, and encountering pressures and difficulties from people around.

Are these worries and fear founded? Not necessary!

In 1 Corinthians 10:13, it says, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

Many times, our problems are self-imagined. When we stand firm and trust in Jesus, God will help change our surrounding and environment, and cause our opponents to accept us. God even uses our faith expression to witness about His faithfulness and goodness. At the end we are able to sail through by God’s grace.

If we were to wait for all our problems to be solved before we decide to believe in Jesus, or get baptized, then most likely we do not have the chance to do it forever.

Problems in life are endless: studying, starting our business or career, getting married, raising children, sickness and etc. And after our children have grown up, they will get married and raise their own children too, and we might have to take care of our grandchildren….and it will be endless forever!

Don’t allow all these worries and fear in lives choke our life, that we do not have space for God. We should believe in Christ right now, and go through baptism, and serve God fervently. God will surely add unto us strength that we need to overcome all our problems.

We must allow the Word of God to prune us inwardly and help remove whatever things that hinder its growth.

4.      Those that Fall on the Good Soil 

Jesus explained and said, “But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.

The Lord Jesus asked us to receive the Word of God with a good and persevering heart. In James 1:21, it says, “Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.

Here, it refers to the mindset of hearing the Word, and this Word is known as “the planted Word”, for God likes to plant the Word in our hearts, and the Word can take root there. Therefore, our hearts need to be plowed and softened, so that the Word of God can grow in them.

“Get rid of all moral filth and the evil” is eliminating the mindset that goes against God. The devil has put the spirit of resisting God in our hearts, and unknowingly we have produced thoughts that doubt and resist God and doubt God. We must get rid of these negative thoughts, and instead receive the Word planted in us with a gentle and good heart.

By doing so, the Word will produce an effect in our lives. We must also need to persevere through all kinds of suffering, not just hearing the Word, but paying our price to put the word into actions. And then we will surely witness may surprise changes taking place as we move on in faith!


Subsequently, Jesus says, “Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. (Matthew 13:12)

What makes the disciples different from others is that they have faith while others don’t have. Whoever has shall be given more, and whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.

If we hear and do God’s words by faith, we shall receive even more. God’s kingdom is full of surprises. The more we progress, the more we know how to receive and the more we will grow. And God shall live in our lives and He shall be with us and lead us through any impacts in life. People around us shall see God’s reality in our lives, and they shall come and believe in Jesus.

What kind of heart-soil are you indeed? Let’s trust God by preparing our hearts to be the good soil in order to receive God’s Word. We have to listen and do the Word of God under all circumstances. God will surely prosper us in all things for the ultimate goal of His glory, and we will be more than overcomers in His surprising Kingdom.

