
Jesus’ Seven “I am” Statements


Exodus 3:11-17; John 8:52-59

Jesus says, I am….

Jesus Christ once used “I am” as a way for self-introduction, and it is similar to how the LORD—Jehovah, introduced Himself to Moses in the Old Testament, where He says, “I am who I am.” Hence, the LORD in the Old Testament and Jesus Christ in the New Testament are One, though the Father and the Son both have their own personality and work.

Jesus Christ has declared Himself seven times as “I am” with explanations in the Gospel of John. Let’s come and examine each of them, hence we can expound the identity and work of Jesus.

First, “I am the Bread of Life”

The first “I am” used by Jesus is the bread of life. The crowd in the Sea of Galilee was so enthralled with Jesus’ preaching that they forgot to dismiss, and Jesus showed them mercy by feeding them 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Therefore, Jesus says, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6:35)

You eat when you are hungry, and you drink when you are thirsty. How about your life, the life that you walk with God? Do you eat the spiritual food that is given by Jesus?

We can only quench our spiritual thirst and maintain our spiritual life by keeping a right relationship with Christ. If we walk with Christ daily, we will be able to experience Christ Jesus as the bread and living water of our lives. Then our lives will be full of joy, love, hope and power.

Second, “I am the light of the world”

The second of “I am” for Jesus is that He is the light of the world, and He is also the light of life.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk-in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

When Jesus was arrested, He said, when the darkness reigns” (Luke 22:53). Darkness is in stark contrast with light, and it will be impossible for someone who follows Jesus to walk in the darkness. For when light comes, darkness will flee.

Jesus said, I am the light of the world.” Light means God’s presence shining on us, and protecting us, leading us and reflecting His light through us, so that the world of darkness can be brightened.

Is Jesus your light this day? Are you shining for Jesus? Follow Jesus and walk with Him, and submit to His teachings, and you shall surely walk in the light. Darkness shall not overcome you, but you are to disperse the darkness, and shine forth your light in all things, to witness the saving power of the Lord.

Third, “I am the Gate”

The third “I am” of Jesus is that He is the gate of the sheep pen, which allows His sheep to go in and come out, and serves as a means to protect them.

I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.” (John 10:9)

This gate can be reckoned as the gate of salvation. We need to pass through this gate in order to receive God’s salvation. Jesus shall give us a safe protection.

The first meaning of Jesus being the gate is that we shall receive salvation as well as life through Him. The second meaning is that we will “find pasture”.

“Find pasture” means our living is secured. You receive life and you need to receive security for your daily living too. In Jesus, we receive abundant life and security, why then do we look for other ways and means to receive that? Come and trust in Jesus and bring all our needs before Him and ask of Him.

Fourth, “I am the good shepherd”

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. (John 10:10-11)

The fourth “I am” of Jesus is that He is the good shepherd. If one is not a good shepherd then one will be a hired man, who will abandon his sheep when the tiger, wolf and lion come. A good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep, so that the sheep can receive abundant life.

In contrast with thieves, Jesus came to give us life, and life of abundance. A hired man looks after the sheep only for the sake of money, but a shepherd does so out of his love for the sheep. Because of the forgiveness, love and providence of Jesus, our eternal lives that have started in Christ have become more abundant.

Life on earth is unpredictable, especially in these chaotic days, and we should follow Jesus all the way, for He is the good shepherd. He will be able to give us life and protect us from various disasters.

Fifth, “I am the resurrection, and I am the life”

The fifth “I am” of Jesus is that He is the resurrection. He is the Lord of the resurrection.

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; John 11:25

Lazarus, the good friend of Jesus was sick. By the time Jesus reached his town, Lazarus was already dead for four days. Jesus declared and said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.”

Jesus was talking to Martha. Martha was Lazarus’ sister. Jesus wanted Martha to believe that He was able to raise Lazarus from the dead. Jesus raised Lazarus from death in front of the crowd. One day, Jesus will do the same upon His return. All the dead shall be resurrected and receive judgment from God.

Jesus said He is the Lord of the resurrection, for He already overcame death, and He made death redundant, and death has lost its position before the Son of the resurrection.

In the end times, He is the first person who has had tasted resurrection, and who has the glorious resurrected body. When the Lord comes, believers in Christ shall rise from death, or they will be raptured and shall enter the New Heaven and New Earth.

For those who believe in the Lord, Jesus said, “Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.14:19What a blessed assurance we have received this promise of the Lord!

When we come to recognize the power of the Lord Jesus and the grace given to us, we cannot but offer our entire life to be used by Him.

Sixth, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”

Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.John 14:6

The sixth “I am” of Jesus is that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus enlarges the idea of “I am” in three aspects:

First is the Way. Jesus is the Way, and it is the only Way that leads to life. Therefore, Jesus says, “I am the Way….no one goes to the Father except through me.”

Someone says this Way is too narrow, but in reality, it is broad enough to contain the whole world. Even if the whole world were to accept the salvation of Jesus, this Way would be able to lead them to the Father.

Instead of worrying over whether it is the only way, why not say to God, “Oh, Lord! Thank you for giving us this Way that leads to where You are. I am now walking in Jesus, the Way!”

Second, the Truth. Jesus said to the Jews then, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) Pilate also asked Jesus, “What is the truth?” (1 John 8:39) Pilate did not know the truth, but Jesus said, “I am the truth.”

Jesus is the Truth, and He reveals God to us, and He fulfills all of God’s promises. Jesus, who is the Truth from above, embodies the following characteristics:

Truth is unchanging, it is like Jesus Christ who is also unchanged forever. In Hebrews 13:8, it says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. It is the unchanging Jesus who says that, “I am the truth”, and it is unchangeable. No matter how the world might change, Jesus is unchangeable. He has saved us, and He shall keep us until the very end.

Truth is unique. It is unparalleled, and it is the One and Only God. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only Savior.

Truth is complete, or else it can’t be truth. It is flawless and without blemish. Jesus Christ is perfect, for He is perfect in humanity and in His divine nature.

Truth is absolute, it surpasses all things that are visible and invisible.

Again, Jesus says, “I am the life.” By knowing Jesus is the Truth and by following Him and walking with Him, His followers are indeed walking on the way of Life.

We don’t know about tomorrow, and we feel uncertain towards life. Yet Jesus does not behave in this way, for He says, “I am the life.” Our lives are in Jesus. It is in Jesus that we have life. We would fall into the path of destruction if we were to leave Him.

Let’s connect our lives with Christ, and by doing so, we will be able to receive freedom, joy and abundant life our faith brings!

Seven, “I am the True Vine”

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.  He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” (John 15:1-2

What does the seventh “I Am,” the True Vine represent for?

The vine is a kind of plant that can bear much fruit, and just one plant can bear a lot of grapes. In the Old Testament, vine symbolizes the fruit of Israel bore for the work they did for God.

However, the Israelites rebelled against God most of the times and they were fake vine. Therefore, God sent Jesus as His servant, and had Him accomplished the salvation of God. Jesus is the true Israel, the true vine, for He submits to God and has accomplished the work assigned to Him by God.

Christ is the Vine and God is the Gardener who shall prune the branches and make the vine bear fruits. Branches refer to all Christians. Branches that bear fruits are true believers, and their lives are connected with Christ. Hence, they are fruitful.

Branches that do not bear fruits are those Christians who make promises superficially to Christ, but they forsake Him inwardly, and they are good for nothing and without life. They shall be cut down by God and be thrown away.

It means we must keep our faith all the time, and we must remain in Christ and maintain an unbroken living relationship with Christ. Jesus is the true Vine, and whatever works that He has accomplished for God and fruits He has borne become the work and the fruits of those who belong to Him, for they remain connected with the Lord.

Our relationship with the Lord must be continual, for we cannot do anything if we were to leave the Lord. Are you willing to connect with the Lord Jesus today? Are you bearing abundant fruits?

